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Chinese translation for "battle formation"


Related Translations:
battled:  adj.有城垛的,有雉堞的。
battle:  n.1.战,战斗(行动),交战,会战,战役,(一般)战争。2.斗争,竞争;〔美国〕竞赛。3.胜利,成功。短语和例子a battle of words 论战。 the disposition for a battle 战术的部署。 the battle of life 生存斗争。 The battle is not always to the strong. 强者不一定常胜。
battle dress:  战地服装。
battle piece:  战争画,战争记事。
battle front:  战线。
battle waggon:  〔俚语〕战舰。
battle stations:  阵地,战斗岗位;紧急集结点。
battle cry:  1.(作战时的)呐喊,助攻声。2.标语,(斗争)口号。
battle wagon:  〔俚语〕战舰。
seesaw battle:  [game] 拉锯战。
Example Sentences:
1.The soilders were drawn up in battle formation
2.Of asher there were 40 , 000 who went out in the army to draw up in battle formation
代上12 : 36亚设支派、能上阵打仗的有四万人。
3.Tree battle formation
4.So asa went out to meet him , and they drew up in battle formation in the valley of zephathah at mareshah
代下14 : 10于是亚撒出去、与他迎敌、就在玛利沙的洗法谷、彼此摆阵。
5.All these , being men of war who could draw up in battle formation , came to hebron with a perfect heart to make david king over all israel ; and all the rest also of israel were of one mind to make david king
代上12 : 38以上都是能守行伍的战士、他们都诚心来到希伯仑、要立大卫作以色列的王以色列其馀的人也都一心要立大卫作王。
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